
Obliteration thesaurus
Obliteration thesaurus

obliteration thesaurus

(quantity quantum), (quantity quantum) (en) Ĭlose, conclusion, ending, termination (en) - blur, dim, slur (en) - kill, take s.o.'s life (en) - do away with, eliminate, extinguish, get rid of (en) Īnnihilate, carry off, decimate, demolish, destroy, eliminate, eradicate, exterminate, extinguish, wipe out, wreck (en) ĭesolate, devastate, lay waste to, play havoc with, ravage, scourge, waste (en) - abolish, banjax, defeat, destroy, fuck, ruin (en) - destroy, destruct (en) - demolition, destruction, wipeout (en) - annihilation, obliteration (en) - eradication, obliteration (en) - decimation (en) - annihilation, disintegration (en) - extermination, extinction (en) - annihilator (en) - annihilating, annihilative, devastating, withering (en) - obliterator (en) - obliterable, removable (en) īlot out, hide, obliterate, obscure, veil (en) - decimate (en) (whole entirety fullness fulness wholeness totality), (all anything everything) (en) These synonyms for the word obliteration are provided for your information only.Altérer jusqu'à faire disparaître (fr) LIMPID Synonyms of LIMPID by Oxford Dictionary on. Here you use the synonyms for obliteration. Synonyms of limpid Oxford Dictionaries Thesaurus Letter I, Oxford, Learning English, Oxfords. is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. In your daily life, for writing an email, a text, an essay, if you want to avoid repetitions or find the opposite meaning of a word. The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for "help". The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for "appreciate". Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word. Or Dealing In Firearms With Obliterated Number Or Mark 235287B Resisting.


Antonym definitionĪn antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. the worlds most trusted free thesaurus Thank you for visiting The parish. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing.

  • Extract from : « Return of the Native » by Thomas HardyĪ synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning.
  • There had been no obliteration, because there had been no tending.
  • Extract from : « The Lash » by Olin L.
  • It was the survival of the fittest, the obliteration of the superfluous but it was hard.
  • Extract from : « Evolution » by Frank B.
  • The obstacles which stand in the way of this obliteration, at the outset, are two.
  • Extract from : « Fiat Money Inflation in France » by Andrew Dickson White.
  • One of these was the obliteration of thrift from the minds of the French people. Obliteration abbreviated https Balloon Occluded Retrograde Transvenous ObliterationPrinter Friendly Dictionary, Encyclopedia and.
  • Extract from : « Tracts on the Sabbath » by Various.
  • Do you not see that the obliteration of it is the brand upon the forehead of morality?.
  • Extract from : « Through Arctic Lapland » by Cutcliffe Hyne.
  • Nothing but fish stands between their town and obliteration.
  • Extract from : « Christmas Evans » by Paxton Hood.
  • Moses seeks the obliteration of his name, unless Israel was pardoned.
  • Extract from : « Indian Myth and Legend » by Donald Alexander Mackenzie.
  • The obliteration of Desire is the first aim of the Buddhist.
  • Extract from : « The Man » by Bram Stoker.
  • There was no springing to her side no rapture of declared affection no obliteration of her shame.
  • Extract from : « North American Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol.
  • Obliteration of a portion of the Urethra, remedied by an operation.

  • Obliteration thesaurus